A look into Alphabet’s financials for Google ad revenue across segments: $265 billion analyzed
Google’s semi-opaque campaign summaries featuring undisclosed media placements have long frustrated the advertising industry. Therefore, we decided to look at their recent 10-K filing from their 2024 fiscal year - where certain disclosures are mandatory.
What's inside the report?
Within, you’ll get a closer look at how marketer dollars were spent in 2024 across 3 segments:
- Google Search & Other
- Youtube Ads
- Google Network
Why download?
Marketers should have full transparency as to where their ads are being run. We estimate that 17%, or just about $44 BILLION of Google’s total ad revenue potentially went to undefined, non-transparent platforms – this is significant, especially with the latest digital advertising fiasco. Marketers should have full transparency as to where their ads are being run.
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