3 Reasons Why Understanding the Risks of Digital Ad fraud is Critical for Marketers
Insights: Marketer's Guide

3 Reasons Why Understanding the Risks of Digital Ad fraud is Critical for Marketers

Brought to life through real examples and case studies. Learn from the experiences of other brands to help protect your own.

VAB has a proven track record of exposing glaring inaccuracies with the goal of evolving the industry towards a more accurate, transparent and business driving marketplace.

As we begin the new year, no issue should give marketers cause for greater concern than digital ad fraud, anticipated to have cost brands $84 billion globally last year. To put that in perspective, if ad fraud were a person, it would be the 9th richest person in the world.

Many marketers are aware of the financial risks of fraud, however, the conditions around fraud such as vague campaign details, placements on made-for-advertising sites or adjacencies to objectionable content and commentary also put marketers and their brands in legal and reputational peril

Not sure how digital ad fraud may be impacting you and your business?

Learn more about the 3 risks digital ad fraud poses, each brought to life through real examples and case studies. Learn from the experiences of other brands to help protect your own.

Inspired to demand better for your brand or business?  

This piece empowers you with 5 tangible ways to mitigate risk and ensure campaign transparency in 2024 and beyond.

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