The State of TV Measurement 2024 | Executive Roundtable Series | NOW ON-DEMAND
VAB Leading Conversations

The State of TV Measurement 2024 

an Executive Roundtable Series


We invite you to tune in to The State of TV Measurement 2024, a VAB INSPIRE Executive Roundtable Series! VAB is a critical driving force behind the TV measurement revolution. We celebrate change and champion the innovation that's enabling marketers to learn what drives their business and make more effective investment decisions.

Following the insightful discussions from our 2022 and 2023 series, we are bringing you this 2-part discussion of candid conversations and expert perspectives to empower marketers with the important trends, insights and actions they can take today to future-proof their measurement roadmap for tomorrow

Please join VAB and our curated lineup of industry experts! Register below.

Series Lineup

Part 2 / Watch Now On-Demand

From Tech to Tools: How to Win at Measurement Through Identity


Igniting Growth through Modern Solutions: Your Roadmap to Measurement Innovation

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Modern video measurement has arrived. With advancements and dynamics changing every day, it’s important to best prepare for what’s next. In this discussion, you’ll learn the components and considerations when building a ‘future proof’ measurement plan. Expert advice and real examples will ensure you are prepared to successfully navigate your brand, business or platform through all that’s possible in converged video measurement. Stay ahead of what’s next and can reap the most from future innovation

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Sean Cunningham

President and CEO


Stephen Jepson

President, Media Effectiveness


Jessica Hogue

Chief Data Officer


Damian Garbaccio

Chief Business & Marketing Officer


From Tech to Tools: How to Win at Measurement Through Identity

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In this second part of the conversation, we’ll focus our discussion on how to “future-proof” your brand, business or platform through Identity. A key ingredient of business success is an understanding of, and properly reaching, your best potential customers. As data quality improves, and privacy concerns grow, the issues of identity and privacy will play an increasingly critical role in marketers’ ability to develop effective video campaigns. Learn how to leverage new and innovative technology to protect and propel your brand, business or platform.

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Danielle DeLauro

Executive Vice President


Leslie Wood

Chief Research Officer


Andrea Zapata

VP of Advertising Data, Measurement & Partnerships


Laura Grover

SVP, Head of Client Solutions

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