The Hispanic population is currently 18% of the total population and over 56 million people strong, their aggregated annual expenditures have grown over 50% in the last ten years and now stand at slightly under $1 trillion. How do we target this growing audience?
As the population grows and many become acculturated, a vast majority continue to be fluent in Spanish with 66% even speaking Spanish regularly.
However, media consumption habits among the Hispanic population are nuanced, crossing both Spanish- & English-language TV networks. So how do you build credibility against Hispanic consumers?
In this supplement to our Address For Success marketer’s guide on Addressability released earlier this year, learn how the precision targeting of Addressable TV can be utilized to deliver incremental reach, relevancy and personalization against Spanish-speaking Hispanics with minimal wasted impressions against other segmentations.
Did you know that Spanish-speaking Hispanics spend a majority of their time viewing English-language networks? Learn more about the appeal of Spanish-language ads on English-language TV in case studies from Xandr, also included in the report.
For a deeper overview on Addressable TV, click here to download the full Address For Success marketer’s guide.

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