2021 ANA Brand Masters Conference: Driving Business Growth by Seizing 2021’s Best TV Video Innovation
VAB Leading Conversations

Vab Ceo Sean cunningham at the 2021 ANA Brand Masters: Inspirational Branding Conference

August 2-4, 2021 | In Person and Virtual

Driving Business Growth by Seizing 2021’s Best TV Video Innovation

Get an insider’s look at how your peers have evolved their buying strategies, shifted their investment priorities and overhauled their video ad infrastructure - in order to seize business advantage from the 2021 innovation that is rapidly transforming what we used to call “execution” or “media buying”. See real-world brand examples of how an audience-first TV buying approach drove business results on performance metrics such as boosted website traffic, surges in store traffic, spikes in incremental awareness, and impacting new customers.  Breaking out of TV demographics has the ability to unlock nearly $4 trillion in consumer spend for marketers.

Join Sean Cunningham, president & CEO at VAB as he explains how the convergence of demographic trends with marketplace realities has made an audience-first approach a lucrative opportunity for marketers in 2021 and beyond.

About the Conference

INSPIRATION. It's the act of producing a powerful and positive emotion, feeling or thought, and provides the urge or ability to do or feel something.

The art and science of branding has never been more of a focus than it is today. Inspirational branding drives emotional connections and leads to consumer action that drives brand growth. Come hear from brands that have combined the art with the science to bring their voice and values to their audience, while also building their brand.

Great branding has always had the ability to inspire and transform, and the past year has only amplified this trend. Today, "acts" are important, rather than just "ads." We've seen this taking shape with the rise in brand purpose, socially responsible marketing, and marketing that has a customer-centric, people-first mindset. More brands are using their voices in the marketplace to highlight stories that raise issues — in order to spark conversations, eliminate barriers, drive change, and of course, grow the brand. This is inspirational branding.

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