For the Love of Gaming
Insights: Fast Facts

For the Love of Gaming

Gaming is a top entertainment choice with high reach and engagement across audiences

Learn more about gaming’s massive popularity and how it allows marketers to connect with audiences beyond GenZ and male millennials. 

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated gaming’s staggering growth as people of all ages looked to their devices for entertainment more than ever.

With gaming’s variety of platforms and increase of popularity, there is mass scale and high reach that marketers can tap into as they develop their campaigns.

Additionally, there are some gaming facts that may surprise you. Did you know that mobile is the most popular gaming platform? Or that while mobile gamers are from all generations, the majority of mobile-only gamers are women?

This short read highlights the opportunities for marketers to reach a variety of unique audiences in various gaming content environments within this highly engaged category.

This piece is part of our winter Setting the Screens week, which is offering an updated look at some of the industry’s most important topics, check out the rest of the week’s releases!

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion & Belonging in Streaming: Learn why marketers who are looking to expand their audiences should look to authentically connect with multicultural streaming audiences.

Opportunities in VOD Addressable: Learn more about ‘Video-on-Demand Dynamic Ad Insertion’ 

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