Video streaming continues to grow, but what are the current trends and insights marketers can use to inform their strategies and plans?
Conditions over the last few months have hastened already-growing video streaming behaviors. The demand for increased entertainment options and the heightened need to keep informed have resulted in more video consumption overall, inclusive of streaming. For example, 36% of adults have recently added a new streaming service to their viewing routines.
This consumer behavior coupled with the launch of several new streaming services means that streaming video offers advertisers more opportunities to reach and engage consumers.
This 10-minute read will bring you up-to-date on the latest trends and consumption around streaming video with actionable takeaways to inform your marketing strategies and media recommendations.
What you’ll learn:
- How current conditions have changed the mindset of viewers. In what ways are they watching video differently?
- 66% of adults are more open to trying new types of media
- The most up-to-date coverage of the video streaming ecosystem, including the newest services and the impact they have had on the streaming landscape.
- 54% of adults have learned to use new features on their TV or TV services/device
- The opportunities for marketers looking to expand their video campaigns with ad-supported streaming video.
- 38% of adults 25-34 have increased their viewing of AVOD (ad-supported VOD)
To equip yourself with the latest on video streaming, download the report.

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